
Testimonial Tuesday: Kassi!

Here at Ponte Verde High School in Florida, the Senior Women is a club at my school where senior high school girls act as mentors for lower classmen.  The club has always been young ladies who the younger girls admire and look up to. Senior Women do different events each month to give back to the community and to offer new ways of interacting and guiding our "little sisters." As Co-President of Senior Women and having a younger sister in 8th grade, I thought that starting a Girl Talk Chapter would be helpful to younger girls who were about to take on a challenging chapter in their lives. 

 Over the summer I looked online for curriculums and organizations to help guide me. My research led me to Girl Talk's website. I noticed that it was directed at Middle School girls, but I felt like using it for 9th grade girls could also be successful. I think the Big Sis Little Sis, which is the mentor program that the Senior Women offers, matches Girl Talk because we share the same main goal: to be role models to younger women and guide them while they go through a difficult transition in their life. I wanted to combine the two programs because I felt like they went hand-in-hand and I needed some guidelines to make this as successful as possible.
We are currently up to eighty freshmen girls in this program! I am so excited that so many girls want to be involved with Girl Talk and I can't wait to see how it will positively impact my community!

I am so excited to be a part of this organization with my own chapter. I think that what Girl Talk has and is doing is amazing and very inspirational to all girls. 

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