First off, the school is huge! The Team & I joked that the lobby looked like one from a hotel. Not even kidding. Anyway, once we got to the Girl Talk meeting, I was amazed at how the Girl Talk Leaders easily got the attention of the Girl Talk Girls. At one point, everyone was laughing, talking, etc., and then one of the Leaders announced the meeting was starting, and the girls quickly settled down in their seats. Love that high school girls get to have leadership opportunities!
The lesson was about how you should have an attitude of joy and not an attitude of meanness, because attitudes are like a chain reaction by affecting those around you. The Chapter did a spin-off of the lesson in the curriculum book called, "Attitude of Gratitude." It was so awesome to me that the Leaders were inspired by our lesson about attitude to create their own that was better suited for their Chapter. Not to mention, it ran so smoothly and the girls were so responsive!
I loved hearing the girls discuss what is joyful and what isn't, how they can help encourage others, and times when they have felt joy. All of the girls were so respectful of one another and their Leaders. It was just amazing to see how happy those girls were while in their Chapter meeting. So inspired!!
By far my favorite part of the meeting was when the Girl Talk Advisor said that it was her daughter's birthday & she asked if we would leave her a happy birthday voicemail. Then, she tells us that her daughter was actually the Leader who started Girl Talk at Strong Rock! It was so inspiring because all of the current Girl Talk Leaders had the Advisor's daughter as their Leader! Not to mention, who doesn't love singing "Happy Birthday"?!
Below is the Advisor's computer that has, "GIRL TALK," attached to the top of it. It was so inspiring being in a school that is so supportive of their Chapter! I am so glad I was able to attend this Chapter visit! Siiigh, I love my job! <3
Hope your week has been filled with inspirations!
Excited & Inspired,
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